When the application developed some years back, when aws was not in picture (atleast in our circle), the communication mostly with http for the easy implementation. On a later stage, we too adopt the evolved update of communication as aws SQS into the system. The system was working perfectly with less transactions. But when it scales, it started to get "complaints" as many transaction updates failed. Investigating the real issue took sometime as all are in an opinion that the "code" would have missed any logic. The real "issue" was the SQS url dynamic IP! Then system has to implement with VPCE, with proper re-coding to modify the sqs sending method. NB: TechTides involve a kind of experience from the tech journey Bonus: https://www.slideshare.net/arenishr/tipsgooglepptx https://www.slideshare.net/arenishr
Incidents, opinions, diary notes